Dearest Friends,

Like the rest of the world, we are closely monitoring the situation with COVID-19. Clearly, we are all gearing up for a new normal and adjusting to its short and long term effects. The Children’s Diabetes Foundation team is now working remotely to maintain our operations and we know that people with T1D and their families have additional concerns, so we are here to support you. With this in mind, we are setting up virtual support groups through GoToMeeting for T1D families. These chats will be geared toward discussing challenges, concerns, and just a safe place to share experiences related to life with T1D.

Looking forward, we will have to cancel some events, conferences, and gatherings which many of you have so generously supported in our 40 year history. This support has been tremendously meaningful to the T1D community and the ongoing efforts of the Barbara Davis Center. These efforts are even more evident in our current world environment and we are committed to continuing to support the care and research our world-class center provides. 

Please look after yourselves, your families, and your neighbors during this challenging time and know that the Children’s Diabetes Foundation family cares about you. We are here for the long term, to support the care and well being of T1D families while continuing to bring life-changing research to those who are impacted by type 1 diabetes.

-Barbara and Dana Davis